If you’d have told me last year that I’d be listed on the Fastest Known Time website I’d have probably laughed at you.

Me? The run at my own speed, back of the pack runner, would never have thought it possible. It was, however, about a year ago that I decided I’d take on the challenge of being the first person to run the Macmillan Way. It was in part to challenge myself but also to raise money for a hugely important charity – Macmillan Cancer Support.
Just to put it in context, the Macmillan Way measures in at 297 miles – it starts in Boston, Lincolnshire, and finishes in Abbotsbury, Dorset. I’d put a rough time frame on it that I could aim for six days – around 50 miles a day. My running background is club running one or two days a
week for many years through my twenties, and then letting it fall into the background somewhat in my thirties when children and career took centre stage.

It was when I joined the Flanci team that I rediscovered my love of running, and my untapped love of long distance! Nicky, boss lady has this absolute unfettered love for running, and it’s just so contagious. She took me out for many runs – including my first ever ultra The Salisbury 5-4-3-2-1 and I loved it, despite running at snail pace! From there I got braver and started to run a lot more during the week, and explore more around my local area. I got used to running with kit, and trusting myself. I got better at navigating and learnt that I was strong.
Adventure racing and ultra running is a lot about digging deep mentally, not just physically. A lot of it is about just believing in yourself. And right throughout my journey has been Flanci, cheering me on and making me feel good in my kit!
On July 23rd I set off from Boston in good shape and of course it was flat along the Fens. 54 miles on the first day – I thought this could be easier than I’d first thought. But then, day two! Boy, the heat we’ve had knocked me for six. I felt like a boil in the bag. I cried just shy of 30 miles because it had taken me so long, I was running the hills now, it was hot hot hot and there was nowhere to hide. In the back of my head I kept thinking, ‘I don’t know that I can keep running 50 miles a day’.
Back at the van (Arthur II!) where my husband was my aid station, he suggested a good 45 minutes to get my energy back and to cool down, and we had a rethink. I was the one who’d set six days. Why was I pushing for six days when nobody had tried this before and it was obviously going to be far more challenging that I’d anticipated? We took the time limit off and decided instead that I’d adapt day by day. And as soon as we’d decided that was the strategy, well that was it! I just got my head down and threw one foot in front of the other. Over and over and over until the end!
The hills were killer. I saw my first person other than my husband to speak to at mile 150. It was lonely, isolated, badly waymarked, spiky, dry, parched even. What lifted me was seeing friends and family along the way. Special props to fellow Flancis and running supporters Graham McKenna, Boss Lady Nicky, and Jan Olive who made those days all the easier. I’d been getting up at 4am, running from 5am, and my longest day saw me moving until 1am. Finishing in Abbotsbury to the whoops and cheers of all those supporters was joyful, even though I was exhausted.

I finished in six days, 13 hours, 9 minutes and 42 seconds, and you can verify that on the FKT website! I wore Flanci the whole time. I could trust my kit. I had one blister and NO other issues. So Flanci really can give you FKTs. It was a dream of mine, and now it’s a reality. Oh, and more than £6,700 raised for Macmillan Cancer Support. Just incredible, and thanks to you.